> Posts tagged "Bonds"

Moodys: Montenegro affirms B1 credit rating

Moody's credit rating agency has affirmed the B1 credit rating for Montenegro, while retaining "positive" outlook. The credit rating is the result of high GDP per capita, optimistic prospects for EU accession, and a strong investment trend with a focus on foreign direct investment. The latest Moody's report welcomes significant

EC: Completion of the Banking Union by 2018

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uropean citizens and businesses will benefit from deeper financial integration and a more stable financial system, thanks to Commission plans to accelerate with the completion of the missing parts of the Banking Union. The Banking Union must be completed if it is to deliver its full potential in making the

Completing the Capital Markets Union

The Commission is taking further steps to drive forward the Capital Markets Union (CMU), a pivotal project of the Juncker Commission to boost jobs and growth in Europe. fter almost two years since the launch of the CMU Action Plan, the Commission is presenting today a number of important new initiatives

Financial Transaction Tax

The Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee stood by its guns on Tuesday in supporting the Commission's proposal for a wide-scope financial transaction tax, with stocks and bond trades taxed at 0.1% and derivatives trades taxed at 0.01% in 11 EU countries. The committee proposed lower rates until January 2017 for
