> Posts tagged "China"

How much time do people spend on Social Media around the World?

How much time do people spend on Social Media around the World? How much time do people spend on Social Media around the World? Social media platforms are used all across the world. On average, global internet users spent 2 hours and 23 minutes on social media sites everyday. Emerging markets

Impact of the COVID-19 on the EU trade with China

Impact of the COVID-19 on EU trade with China Impact of the COVID-19 on EU trade with China Measures taken by EU Member States to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, which began in mid-March, were in full force during April 2020. As COVID-19 was first identified in the Chinese city

Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

financial crisis economic economy fiscal debt morgage piggy bank broken Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008 Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008 Coronavirus crisis is having a strong impact on the world economy. What about the financial system? Is a systemic financial crisis likely, perhaps along the lines of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) 12 years

Coronavirus in China changes the consumer behavior

Coronavirus in China changes the consumer behavior Coronavirus in China changes the consumer behavior Chloe Ni used to go to coffee shops every two days before the coronavirus outbreak. Now, she makes coffee at home, and even decided against getting an expensive Moka stove-top pot to make her daily brew. “I work in

Brand list: What are the most valuable Brands in 2020

brand brands list

brand list: Ranking The World’s Most Valuable Brands Due to its intangible nature, the power of a brand can be difficult to translate to a balance sheet. That said, a brand that truly connects with consumers and stands the test of time can deliver immense financial value. The graphic pulls data

Top 10 Countries by GDP and Economic Components

country top 10 countries by economy economic gdp powerful power

Countries by GDP and Economic Components (1970-2017) While looking at the top countries by GDP is a useful big picture measure, it can also be informative to look at the components that make up an economy as well. Examining a country’s economic building blocks can tell us a lot about what

EU intellectual property protection in global markets

intellectual property eu rights privatna svojina indeks logo

The European Commission published the latest report on protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in third countries. While developments have taken place since the publication of the previous report, concerns persist and a number of areas for improvement and action remain to be addressed. Intellectual property rights infringements worldwide

Which countries spend most on university research

The United States is continuing to fall behind other developed nations in funding for university research according to The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation. That's despite the U.S. being home to world-leading research universities that have played an important role in driving American technological supremacy since the Second World War. In 2013, the

Defending the free market

In defense of free market economists The economics profession should not be so defensive toward critics who blame it for rising inequality. Insights from the dismal science – and in particular economists' advocacy of market-based policies to boost prosperity – have proven their worth many times over. In a recent commentary in

These are the best bank brands

When most people think about brands, they often picture iconic consumer marks like Coca-Cola or Apple. But in the realm of financial services, the importance of having a strong consumer brand is also rapidly growing. After all, with hundreds of new fintech entrants positioning themselves to be the “banks” of

World’s Largest Economies 2020-2030

country top 10 countries by economy economic gdp powerful power

By 2030, the complexion of the global economy could look very different than it does today. According to recent projections from Standard Chartered, a multinational bank headquartered in London, the next decade will see emerging markets like India and Turkey ascending the global economic ladder to become tomorrow’s powerhouses. Visualizing the Boom

EU trade and globalization policies

he European Community was founded on the belief that economic integration leads to peace and economic prosperity. Trade is therefore a fundamental part of the identity of the European Union today. Given the success of the internal market in fostering the longest period of European peace in modern history, the
