> Posts tagged "Cloud Computing"

European Cyber Security Challenges

Cyber Security Challenges ahead It is hard these days to imagine (or remember) life without smartphones and computers, without online services helping us with almost every aspect of our daily lives, be that at work – for communication and general productivity – or in our free time – for travel bookings,

Ten technologies that could change our lives

echnological developments, even those still at an early stage, could massively impact our lives in the very short- or longer-term future. To draw attention to ten specific technologies, but also to promote further reflection about other innovations, EPRS is publishing ‘Ten more technologies which could change our lives‘ – a follow-up to

Cloud computing – Policy and Economic Issues

strategija razvoja informacionog društva it par javne uprave sastanak ministarstvo reforma javne uprave

loud computing is a model for providing information and communication technology (ICT) services (including servers, systems, storage and applications) over a network such as the internet. By taking advantage of self-service implementation and configuration, and flexible pools of virtual computers based on shared hardware in vast purpose-built data centers managed
