> Posts tagged "izvještaj"

Global Competitiveness Report: Montenegro Ranked 73rd

The World Economic Forum has published 2019 edition of Global Competitiveness report. Montenegro was placed 73rd out of 141 economies.In comparison to the previous report which assessed 140 economies, Montenegro dropped for two positions (2018 ranking 71/140). According to national performances, Montenegro is assessed the best in the field of labor market,

Progress Report on Montenegro 2019

Izvještaj o napretku Crne Gore 2019 2020

European Commission's Report on Montenegro 2019 - key findings Political criteria The reporting period continued to be marked by the low level of trust in the electoral framework, which needs to be revised in a comprehensive and inclusive manner. A temporary parliamentary committee on reform of electoral and other legislation was established

EK: Paket proširenja EU za 2016. godinu

vropska komisija objavila je godišnji paket proširenja. U njemu se ocjenjuje sprovođenje ključnih političkih i privrednih reformi u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i Turskoj te se navodi što je potrebno da se uradi kako bi se odgovorilo na preostale izazove. Između ostalog, Komisija preporučuje da države članice razmotre otvaranje pristupnih pregovora sa

Montenegrin Ministry of Finance published Bulletin XXXIV

ontenegrin Ministry of Finance has published XXXIV bulletin, which mostly reflects first quarter of 2015. In introduction, Minister of Finance Radoje Žugić reviews macro-economic indicators and trends in Montenegro. Žugić highlighted the issue of steady but insufficiently high economic growth since 2013 (2-3%) and the issue of the turnaround of the public debt trend in the focus of
