> Posts tagged "UK"

Top 10 Countries by GDP and Economic Components

country top 10 countries by economy economic gdp powerful power

Countries by GDP and Economic Components (1970-2017) While looking at the top countries by GDP is a useful big picture measure, it can also be informative to look at the components that make up an economy as well. Examining a country’s economic building blocks can tell us a lot about what

Top 10 most competitive economies in the world

most competitive economies Since 1979, the World Economic Forum has been taking the temperature of long-term economic growth and productivity in its Global Competitiveness Report. The 2019 edition covers 141 economies, accounting for 99% of the world’s GDP – and finds that, a decade on from the global financial crisis, most

BREXIT date postponed

uk withdrawal agreement eu brexit ep parliament voted date

Brexit date: European Council adopts decision to extend the period under Article 50 The European Council has adopted a decision to extend the BREXIT DATE - period under Article 50.3 (of the Treaty on the European Union), in the context of the UK's intention to withdraw from the EU (so-called BREXIT). The extension

Brexit: Outcome of the Article 50 TEU

uk withdrawal agreement eu brexit ep parliament voted date

On 25 November 2018, EU-27 leaders met to finalize and formalize the outcome of the Brexit negotiations. They endorsed the withdrawal agreement, as presented by the negotiators of the EU and the United Kingdom (UK), and approved the political declaration on future EU-UK relations, accompanying the withdrawal agreement. Last minute

Nation Brands 2018 Ranking by Brand Finance

Just like anything else, our brains tend to associate certain images and attributes with a given nations in order to form a unique mental perception. In a global marketplace, a country’s national image can be one of its most valued assets or a challenging liability. These perceptions help to forge a

Top 10 – Richest Countries in the World

According to market research company New World Wealth, the world has accumulated $215 trillion in private wealth, a 12% increase over the last year. Incredibly, the vast majority of this wealth – about 73.5% – is held by just 10 countries: Rank Country Wealth (USD Trillions) Change (2007-2017), % #1 United States $62.6 20% #2 China $24.8 198% #3 Japan $19.5 22% #4 United Kingdom $9.9 -2% #5 Germany $9.7 0% #6 India $8.2 160% #7 France $6.6 -11% #8 Canada $6.4 25% #9 Australia $6.1 83% #10 Italy $4.3 -19% Over the last decade, China

Montenegro: Council for Cooperation with Emigrants established

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ccording to the Law on cooperation with emigrants, Government of Montenegro has nominated members of the Council for cooperation with emigrants. The Council has 77 members, and is composed for emigrants, Government and other institution representatives, as well as other persons, according to the law.  The members of the Council are: Emigrant members: ALBANIA:
