> Posts tagged "JPMorgan Chase"

The most profitable companies

Which companies earn most money per day? The following graphs and charts summarize analysis performed by the Fortune and compiled by the How Much. The 20 most profitable companies in the world are listed below in order, and we’ve also broken the same data down per second: Rank Company Country Profit per Day Profit Per

How much multinationals earn per second

Imagine that for every second that passes, your bank account inches up $1. You’d be making $60 per minute, or the equivalent of $86,400 in a day. Over the course of a year, you’d roll in a solid $31.5 million of profit. While this would be prolific for almost any

Commision investigates a potential berach of antitrust rules in credit default swaps

credit default swap sea banks derivatives

Commision investigates a potential berach of antitrust rules in credit default swaps - The European Commission has informed some of the world's largest investment banks of its preliminary conclusion that they infringed EU antitrust rules that prohibit anti-competitive agreements by colluding to prevent exchanges from entering the credit derivatives business
