> Posts tagged "List"

Taxation: Council revises its EU list of (non)cooperative jurisdictions


The Council adopted revised conclusions on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. In addition to the 8 jurisdictions that were already listed, the EU also decided to include the following jurisdictions in its list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions: Cayman Islands; Palau;

Brand list: What are the most valuable Brands in 2020

brand brands list

brand list: Ranking The World’s Most Valuable Brands Due to its intangible nature, the power of a brand can be difficult to translate to a balance sheet. That said, a brand that truly connects with consumers and stands the test of time can deliver immense financial value. The graphic pulls data

The smallest states in the world: economic challenges and potentials

Small states face unique development challenges. Due to their small population (i.e., those with a population of 1.5 million or less) and economic base, these countries are particularly vulnerable to exogenous shocks, such as natural disasters and climate change. With limited economic opportunities and significant migration, they often face capacity constraints. The
