> Posts tagged "Private sector"

European Commission’s Economic Quarterly on Montenegro 4Q 2019

montenegro economic quarterly data 2020

EU Candidate Countries’ & Potential Candidates’ Economic Quarterly - Montenegro data The European Commission has published the EU Candidate Countries’ & Potential Candidates’ Economic Quarterly (CCEQ). Here are the Montenegro data: Key developments mentioned in the quarterly report: On 11 October, the government called a pre-qualification tender for a

Development Effectiveness – Concepts, players and tools

In the context of the limited availability of development aid, there is an increased demand for effective results. This means that both developing and richer countries must commit to spending and using aid more effectively. Public funding is not enough to cover all needs, but it can leverage initiatives from

Western Balkans Summit Poznan 2019 held

estern Balkans Summit 2019: Poland welcomed the Heads of Government of the Berlin Process participants, as well as representatives of the European Institutions, International Financial Institutions, OECD, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. poznan wb summit 2019 west western balkans see

estern Balkans Summit 2019: Poland welcomed the Heads of Government of the Berlin Process participants, as well as representatives of the European Institutions, International Financial Institutions, OECD, the Regional Cooperation Council (RCC), and the Regional Youth Cooperation Office. The Poznan Summit builds on the previous Berlin, Vienna, Paris, Trieste and London
