> Posts tagged "Railway"

National Investment Commission Montenegro: Support for Infrastructure projects provided

national investment commission montenegro nacionalna investiciona komisija Crna Gora Vlada Crne Gore Montenegro National Investment Commission of vlada crnogorska

National Investment Commission of Montenegro Session National Investment Commission of Montenegro: Support for Infrastructure projects provided At the session, chaired by Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković, the National Investment Commission adopted the Work Report for the period July-December 2019 and submitted it to the Government of Montenegro for approval. The Report

EIB: One of most beautiful European railways recaptures past glory

The Montenegro railway upgrade is the first in 40 years ontenegro's railway used to be one of its big accomplishments. It was the largest and most expensive infrastructure project in the former Yugoslav federation. But now it has fallen into decay. With the European Investment Bank's help, the railway plans a

The Fourth Railway Package: Towards a Single European Railway Area

ailways were the first modern means of transport and the rail network developed considerably across the EU over time. Despite its expansion, when comparing 1995 with 2013, rail’s share has decreased for freight and has remained fairly constant at about 6% for passenger transport. This is due, among other factors,
