> Posts tagged "Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU)"

Lisbon Treaty: 10 years later

The European Council Oversight (ECOS) team from the European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) recently organised an event on ‘EU institutional dynamics: Ten years after the Lisbon Treaty’ in the House of European history, in cooperation with the association of former members of the European Parliament (FMA) and Parliament’s Communications Directorate-General.

Essentials of EU law

he legal order created by the European Union has become an established component of our political life and society. Each year, on the basis of the Union treaties, thousands of decisions are taken that crucially affect the EU Member States and the lives of their citizens. Individuals have long since

EU-Montenegro: Chapters #1 and 22 opened, #30 closed

Crna Gora EU integracija dijalog o proširenju proširenje agenda evropska unija

he ninth meeting of the Accession Conference with Montenegro at ministerial level was held in Luxembourg to open negotiations on chapter 1 - Free movement of goods and chapter 22 - Regional policy and coordination of structural instruments. Furthermore, the accession conference provisionally closed negotiations on chapter 30 - External

UK withdrawal from the EU – Next steps of BREXIT

he referendum held in the United Kingdom on 23 June 2016 on the question of whether to remain in, or leave, the European Union resulted in 51.9% of those voting (on a 71.8% turn-out) supporting withdrawal from the Union. Although, formally speaking, the referendum was consultative, the British Prime Minister,

European Parliament: MEPs call for swift Brexit to end uncertainty

he United Kingdom must respect the wish of a majority of its citizens, entirely, fully and as soon as possible, by officially withdrawing from the EU before any new relationship arrangements can be made, says the European Parliament in a resolution voted after an extraordinary plenary debate on Tuesday. MEPs

EP: Joint statement on UK Brexit referendum outcome

europarl-ep izvještaj o crnoj gori napretku crne gore eu 2015 2016 2017

EP President Martin Schulz, European Council President Donald Tusk and Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte met Friday morning in Brussels at the invitation of EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker. They discussed the outcome of the United Kingdom referendum and made the following joint statement: "In a free and democratic process, the

Withdrawal of a Member State from the EU

he right of a Member State to withdraw from the European Union was introduced for the first time with the Lisbon Treaty; the possibility of withdrawal was highly controversial before that. Article 50 TEU does not set down any substantive conditions for a Member State to be able to exercise

Antitrust: Commission investigates Amazon

he European Commission has opened a formal antitrust investigation into certain business practices by Amazon in the distribution of electronic books ("e-books"). The Commission will in particular investigate certain clauses included in Amazon's contracts with publishers. These clauses require publishers to inform Amazon about more favourable or alternative terms offered
