> Posts tagged "unemployment"

ILO: Nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods 

ilo mro međunarodna organizacija rada international labor organization intl labour organisation work workers

ILO: As job losses escalate, nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods The latest ILO data on the labour market impact of the COVID-19 pandemic reveals the devastating effect on workers in the informal economy and on hundreds of millions of enterprises worldwide.  GENEVA (ILO News) – The continued

EU Budget 2020 Approved

EU Budget 2020: investing more in climate, jobs and the youth in focus Over €500 million more dedicated to climate action Support for the young: boosting Erasmus and the fight against youth unemployment Last annual budget of current financial framework 2014-2020 For next year’s EU budget, MEPs have secured better support

South Eastern Europe Economy in Focus

When leaders of the EU’s current 28 members gathered last month to discuss membership applications from Albania and North Macedonia, there was optimism that the accession process would be given a green light. But a small group of countries, led by France, objected to starting detailed talks with the Western

Defending the free market

In defense of free market economists The economics profession should not be so defensive toward critics who blame it for rising inequality. Insights from the dismal science – and in particular economists' advocacy of market-based policies to boost prosperity – have proven their worth many times over. In a recent commentary in

The future of work: 4 predictions

Written by Stephane Kasriel, CEO of Upwork s CEO of freelancing website Upwork, I am witnessing firsthand not only the immense changes within our industry, but also the speed at which they are occurring. At the World Economic Forum, where I co-chair the Council on the Future of Work, Gender and Education, we

Progress Report on Montenegro 2018

montenegro economic quarterly data 2020

Key findings of the 2018 Progress Report on Montenegro Political criteria he reporting period has been marked by the low level of trust towards the electoral framework and the prolonged parliamentary boycott by the entire opposition since the October 2016 parliamentary elections. Returning the political debate to the Parliament is the responsibility

EC: Montenegro’s Economic Quarterly

The European Commission published EU Candidate Countries’ & Potential Candidates’ Economic Quarterly (CCEQ) technical report which indicates macroeconomic development of potential countries. Like other European Economy Technical Papers, Q2 2017 report was compiled by the staff of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Economic and Financial Affairs. Montenegro's economy are indicated as the

EU Autumn 2016 Economic Forecast: Modest growth

Commission forecasts 2017 euro area growth of 1.5% and EU growth of 1.6%  conomic growth in Europe is expected to continue at a moderate pace, as recent labour market gains and rising private consumption are being counterbalanced by a number of hindrances to growth and the weakening of supportive factors. In

EC: Montenegro’s Economic Forecast – Volatile growth amid public finance concerns

Spring 2016 Economic Forecast ourism and capital-intensive projects continue to be the main drivers of growth, albeit their contribution appears more volatile than previously expected. The growth potential is hampered by the sluggish recovery of bank lending. Budget deficits remain high due to a surge in public investment and social security

YEI: Closing the gap between education and employment

urrently nearly 20% of young people (aged 15-24) in the EU-28 are unemployed. This represents one in five young Europeans; and nearly one in two in Spain and Greece, where youth unemployment rates are particularly high. Although the most promising way of providing opportunities for young people is through restoring

2016 EU Budget: Focus on migrations and jobs

he budgets committee on demanded more funds to handle the migration and refugee crisis, help young people into jobs, and fully offset the cuts to the EU's research and transport networks programs, in a political resolution on the 2016 budget. The committee had earlier reversed all the Council's cuts to

2016 EU budget draft: jobs, growth, migration and global action

he Commission proposed a 2016 EU budget of €143.5 billion in payment credits to support the recovery of the European economy and help improve lives in Europe and beyond. The money will be invested to boost innovation, create jobs, help convergence among Member States and among regions, deal more effectively
