> Posts tagged "antitrust" (Page 3)

Antitrust: Commission proposes Directive to fascilitate damage claims

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The European Commission has adopted a proposal for a Directive on how citizens and companies can claim damages when they are victims of infringements of the EU antitrust rules, such as cartels and abuses of a dominant market position. The proposal is set to remove a number of practical difficulties

2012 Report on the EU competition policy

The European Commission's 2012 report on competition policy shows that without an effective European competition policy, the internal market cannot deliver its full economic potential. Private barriers to trade and competition would risk replacing the public barriers to free movement that have been painstakingly dismantled. Subsidy races would risk wasting

Unannounced inspections in oil and biofuels sectors

The European Commission can confirm that, on 14 May 2013, Commission officials carried out unannounced inspections at the premises of several companies active in and providing services to the crude oil, refined oil products and biofuels sectors. These inspections took place in two EU Member States. At the Commission's request,

Unannounced inspections in the sugar sector

european commission appointed eu 2020 parliament elections eu response

The European Commission can confirm that on 23 April 2013 Commission officials undertook unannounced inspections at the premises of companies active in the sugar industry in several Member States. The inspections relate to the supply of white sugar. The Commission has reasons to believe that the companies concerned may have

EC sends Statement of Objections on potential misuse of mobile phone SEPs

The European Commission has informed Motorola Mobility of its preliminary view that the company's seeking and enforcing of an injunction against Apple in Germany on the basis of its mobile phone standard-essential patents ("SEPs") amounts to an abuse of a dominant position prohibited by EU antitrust rules. While recourse to

Q&A: misuse of mobile phone standard-essential patents

What is an injunction? An injunction is a court order aiming at preventing the continuation of a patent infringement. Generally, it includes the prohibition to sell the product infringing the patent. Such injunctions can be preliminary – as a precautionary measure typically for the time of the assessment of the case

Commission investigates smart card chips cartel

The European Commission has informed a number of suppliers of smart card chips of its preliminary view that they may have participated in a cartel, in breach of EU antitrust rules. The sending of a statement of objections does not prejudge the outcome of the investigation. Almost everybody uses smart card

Commission opens investigation into card inter bank fees

The Commission has opened formal proceedings to investigate whether MasterCard may be hindering competition in the European Economic Area (EEA) with regard to payment cards, in breach of EU antitrust rules. The Commission has concerns that some of MasterCard's inter-bank fees and related practices may be anti-competitive. An opening of

Settlement procedure for cartels – FAQ

european commission appointed eu 2020 parliament elections eu response

Why does the Commission introduce a settlement procedure? Where the parties to a cartel case agree with the Commission findings, the Commission wants to be able to use an instrument to speed up the adoption of a Decision. This should free resources to deal with other cases, increasing the detection rate and
