> Posts tagged "Digital Agenda" (Page 2)

EU Roaming: a successful story

Roming u EU - uspješna priča

rom 15 June 2017 on, using your mobile phone anywhere in the EU will cost you the same as at home. The long-awaited end to roaming charges within the EU was agreed upon by the Council of the EU and the European Parliament two years ago. The Parliament played a

EC: 5 million jobs in app sector by 2018

The EU's app sector has gone from zero to digital superhero in less than five years. By 2018 it could employ 4.8 million people and contribute €63 billion to the EU economy according to a report presented in Brussels today. The study, carried out by GIGAOM and NUI Galway for

Lithuanian Presidency: Telecoms guidelines

Telecommunications: Towards Telecoms Guidlines The Committee of Permanent Representatives (COREPER I) has granted the Lithuanian Presidency a general mandate to have the first trialogue with the European Parliament and European Commission on the amended proposal for a Regulation on guidelines for trans-European telecommunications networks. Telecoms guidelines are a key component of the

Commission confirms unannounced inspections in Internet connectivity services

The European Commission can confirm that on 9 July 2013 Commission officials initiated unannounced inspections at the premises of a number of telecommunications companies active in the provision of Internet connectivity in several Member States. The Commission has concerns that the companies concerned may have violated EU antitrust rules that
