> Posts tagged "Higher education"

Which countries spend most on university research

The United States is continuing to fall behind other developed nations in funding for university research according to The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation. That's despite the U.S. being home to world-leading research universities that have played an important role in driving American technological supremacy since the Second World War. In 2013, the

EP: Erasmus Plus Assessment

rasmus Plus (Erasmus+) was launched in 2014 as a single programme in the field of education, training, youth and sport under the multiannual financial framework (MFF) package for 2014-2020. It brings together previous programmes and introduces sport as a new area of activity. A single programme has made it possible

Enrollment at postgraduate studies and doctoral studies in Montenegro

statistički zavod crna gora uprava za statistiku godišnjak crna gora cg crne gore

ccording to Montenegrin Statistical Office, in academic year 2015/2016, there were 2442 students enrolled at postgraduate and doctoral studies. There were 2402 students enrolled at postgraduate studies, as follows: 2034 at specialist studies, 368 at master studies. Among total number of students share of females is 54.7%. Increase in number of
