> Posts tagged "New Zealand"

Travel restrictions lifted for residents of 14 non-EU countries

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Travel restrictions lifted for residents of 14 non-EU countries Travel restrictions lifted for residents of 14 non-EU countries The Council today adopted a recommendation on the gradual lifting of the temporary restrictions on non-essential travel into the EU. Travel restrictions should be lifted for countries listed in the recommendation, with this list

Which countries spend most on university research

The United States is continuing to fall behind other developed nations in funding for university research according to The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation. That's despite the U.S. being home to world-leading research universities that have played an important role in driving American technological supremacy since the Second World War. In 2013, the

Countries by sustainable energy policies ranked

The sourcing and distribution of energy is one of the most pressing issues of our time. Just under one billion people still lack basic access to electricity, and many more connect to the grid through improvised wiring or live through frequent blackouts. On the flip side of the socioeconomic spectrum,

2017 Prosperity Index: Montenegro Ranked 65th Globally

egatum Institute, a British think-tank, has published 2017 Prosperity Index data. The Legatum Prosperity Index contains data on 149 countries for socio-economic variables, spread across eight sub-indices. The Prosperity Index offers a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world. Traditionally, a nation’s prosperity has been based solely on

New Zealand – new flag?

ew Zealand debates the flag change. New Zealand adopted the current flag in 1902. It was derived from the maritime British Blue Ensign. The stars of the Southern Cross were added and, similar to other Commonwealth countries, the Union Jack remains in the first quarter to recognise that New Zealand
