> Posts tagged "radna mjesta"

ILO: Nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods 

ilo mro međunarodna organizacija rada international labor organization intl labour organisation work workers

ILO: As job losses escalate, nearly half of global workforce at risk of losing livelihoods The latest ILO data on the labour market impact of the COVID-19 pandemic reveals the devastating effect on workers in the informal economy and on hundreds of millions of enterprises worldwide.  GENEVA (ILO News) – The continued

Statistics: Enterprise operations in Montenegro

statistički zavod crna gora uprava za statistiku godišnjak crna gora cg crne gore

tatistical Office of Montenegro "Monstat" has published the Enterprise operations in Montenegro publication. The purpose of the research is to provide indicators that are needed to analyze the structure of activities of economic entities, the structure of inputs and outputs in the production process, business success and competitiveness of economic agents at

Montenegrin Ministry of Finance: Q2 2015 Bulletin XXXV

bilten ministarstva finansija

ontenegrin Ministry of Finance has published XXXV bulletin, which mostly reflects second quarter of 2015. In introduction, Minister of Finance Radoje Žugić reviewed macro-economic indicators and trends in Montenegro. As it is stated, the reduction of the informal economy, despite of the significant results achieved, remains one of the priorities of
