> Posts tagged "Rep. of Macedonia"

The Economic Momentum of Western Balkan Countries

wb6 western balkan balkans six south eastern europe see central EU covid-19 corona virus

The EU decided last month not to open membership talks with Albania and North Macedonia just yet and a broader discussion on the future of the EU is ongoing. But there is positive economic momentum in the Western Balkans, with more foreign investment coming in, and it needs to be

EU-MKD-ALB: A geo-strategic and historic mistake of the EU

EESC criticizes European Council decision to deny the opening of accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania, it's a geo-strategic and historic mistake The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is deeply disappointed about EU leaders' decision to further postpone opening accession negotiations with North Macedonia and Albania at the European

Priorities for the future of the WB6 – Western Balkans Six

wb6 western balkan balkans six south eastern europe see central EU covid-19 corona virus

estern Balkan Six (WB6) comprise Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, Kosovo* and Republic of Macedonia, with a total population of about 18 million and a GDP of approximately €80 billion. While the region had seen above EU average growth rates of 5.3% in the early 2000s, today these economies show

WB6 Berlin Summit 2016: A new impulse for regional cooperation

he six Western Balkan economies – Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia – are united by the common goal of joining the EU. However, they still face divisions, both infrastructural and political, and are confronted, among other things, by a dire economic

European Commission: Managing the migrants crisis

he sudden rise in the number of people who are forced to flee their homes to escape violence and seek refuge, in their own countries or abroad, is a test for the European Union. The European Agenda for Migration presented by the Commission in May set out a comprehensive approach

Human freedom index report: Montenegro ranked 40

he Human Freedom Index presents the state of human freedom in the world based on a broad measure that encompasses personal, civil, and economic freedom. Human freedom is a social concept that recognizes the dignity of individuals and is defined here as negative liberty or the absence of coercive constraint.

WB6: Joint Statement

Commissioners Hahn and Commissioner Bulc hosted in Brussels the meeting of the six Prime Ministers from the Western Balkans. The meeting in Brussels built on the Western Balkan 6 ministerial meeting on the core transport network for the region. The Brussels meeting confirmed the agreement of the core network through a joint statement, and
