> Posts tagged "Albanija @en"

Western Balkan Economies: World Bank projects recession due to CoV19

wb6 western balkan balkans six south eastern europe see central EU covid-19 corona virus

The Western Balkan region is expected to enter a recession in 2020, with all six countries forecast to experience negative growth as they continue to grapple with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional growth in the Western Balkans is forecast to be between -3 and -5.6 percent, according to

Ensuring availability of essential goods to Western Balkan countries

Ensuring availability of essential goods to Western Balkan countries WB6 CEFTA Secretariat to facilitate the transport and trade of essential goods protok robe koridor koridori zapadni balkan korona virus covid19

Ensuring availability of essential goods to Western Balkan countries Ensuring availability of essential goods to Western Balkan countries Joint proposal prepared by the Permanent Secretariat of the Transport Community and the CEFTA Secretariat to facilitate the transport and trade of essential goods within the Western Balkans The spreading of COVID-19 in the last

CoVID-19: Montenegro makes ports available to Balkan countries

wb6 western balkan balkans six south eastern europe see central EU covid-19 corona virus

covid-19 : PM Markovic tells WB leaders: Closing markets and blocking resources is not European behaviour, Montenegro makes ports available to neighbours CoVID-19: PM Markovic tells WB leaders: Closing markets and blocking resources is not European behaviour, Montenegro makes ports available to neighbours Prime Minister Duško Marković spoke today with  Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz,

EK: Paket proširenja EU za 2016. godinu

vropska komisija objavila je godišnji paket proširenja. U njemu se ocjenjuje sprovođenje ključnih političkih i privrednih reformi u zemljama Zapadnog Balkana i Turskoj te se navodi što je potrebno da se uradi kako bi se odgovorilo na preostale izazove. Između ostalog, Komisija preporučuje da države članice razmotre otvaranje pristupnih pregovora sa

Eurostat:1Q 2015 Asylum seekers report

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Eurostat published its report on first time asylum seekers. During the first three months of 2015, 185 000 first time asylum seekers applied for protection in the European Union (EU), almost stable compared with the last quarter of 2014 but up by 86% compared with the first quarter of 2014.
