> Posts tagged "Bank"

World Bank 2021 Montenegro economic report

World Bank 2021 Montenegro economic report world bank svjetska banka International Bank for Reconstruction and Development IBRB ibrb međunarodna banka za obnovu i razvoj crna gora eu montenegro svijet kredit credit interest rate project fund finances finance

World Bank 2021 Montenegro economic report World Bank 2021 Montenegro economic report The Western Balkans region is rebounding from the COVID-19-induced recession of 2020, thanks to a faster-than-expected recovery in 2021, says the latest edition of the Western Balkans Regular Economic Report, Greening the Recovery. The outlook for the region has improved significantly, with

Macro-financial assistance package: €3 billion to the EU neighborhood

atomium brussels eu european union Coronavirus: Commission proposes €3 billion macro-financial assistance package to support ten EU neighbouring countries

Coronavirus: Commission proposes €3 billion macro-financial assistance package to support ten EU neighbouring countries Coronavirus: Commission proposes €3 billion macro-financial assistance package to support ten EU neighbouring countries The Commission has adopted a proposal for a €3 billion macro-financial assistance (MFA) package to ten enlargement and neighbourhood partners to help them to

Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

financial crisis economic economy fiscal debt morgage piggy bank broken Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008 Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008 Coronavirus crisis is having a strong impact on the world economy. What about the financial system? Is a systemic financial crisis likely, perhaps along the lines of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) 12 years

Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues

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Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues Donation of EUR half a million to the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases by Samih Sawiris, owner of Orascom development, which is building the tourist resort Luštica bay in Montenegro, confirmed the statement made by Prime Minister

National Coordination Body Montenegro: € 2 mil. in donations in 5 days

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National Coordination Body: In five days, over EUR 2 million in donations   National Coordination Body: In five days, over EUR 2 million in donations   Podgorica, Montenegro (23 March 2020) -- Over EUR 2 million in donations have been paid into the account of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases in less

Brand list: What are the most valuable Brands in 2020

brand brands list

brand list: Ranking The World’s Most Valuable Brands Due to its intangible nature, the power of a brand can be difficult to translate to a balance sheet. That said, a brand that truly connects with consumers and stands the test of time can deliver immense financial value. The graphic pulls data

The smallest states in the world: economic challenges and potentials

Small states face unique development challenges. Due to their small population (i.e., those with a population of 1.5 million or less) and economic base, these countries are particularly vulnerable to exogenous shocks, such as natural disasters and climate change. With limited economic opportunities and significant migration, they often face capacity constraints. The

EU-Tunisia: EU approves Macro-Financial Assistance to Tunisia

The European Commission, on behalf of the EU, has approved today the disbursement of a €150 million loan to Tunisia. This is the third and final disbursement under the second Macro-Financial Assistance (MFA) programme to Tunisia, and follows the completion of an important set of policy measures intended to support the

Moodys: Montenegro affirms B1 credit rating

Moody's credit rating agency has affirmed the B1 credit rating for Montenegro, while retaining "positive" outlook. The credit rating is the result of high GDP per capita, optimistic prospects for EU accession, and a strong investment trend with a focus on foreign direct investment. The latest Moody's report welcomes significant

EIB supports clean urban transport

The European Investment Bank (EIB) has provided almost EUR 200m to cut the polluting emissions produced by buses in Spain's largest cities. The EU bank has been providing this financing since 2017 under the Cleaner Transport Facility, which aims to promote cleaner transport systems. This joint EIB-European Commission financing instrument is

Urban regeneration and sustainable tourism by EBRD

Urban regeneration, green buildings and sustainable and inclusive tourism with links to the local economy are the priorities of the EBRD’s new strategy for the property and tourism sector, approved by the EBRD’s Board of Directors. In particular, the strategy will guide the Bank’s investments and policy work for the period

These are the best bank brands

When most people think about brands, they often picture iconic consumer marks like Coca-Cola or Apple. But in the realm of financial services, the importance of having a strong consumer brand is also rapidly growing. After all, with hundreds of new fintech entrants positioning themselves to be the “banks” of
