> Posts tagged "Council"

Taxation: Council revises its EU list of (non)cooperative jurisdictions


The Council adopted revised conclusions on the EU list of non-cooperative jurisdictions for tax purposes. In addition to the 8 jurisdictions that were already listed, the EU also decided to include the following jurisdictions in its list of non-cooperative tax jurisdictions: Cayman Islands; Palau;

Council Of The European Union Explained

Council Of The European Union: Facts And Figures The Council of the European Union – often referred to as the Council of Ministers forms one part of the legislature and the budgetary authority of the Union. The Council and European Parliament together adopt much of the EU’s legislation and the Union’s annual

Romanian Presidency 2019 EU Priorities

omania took over the Presidency of the Council of the European Union. During its Presidency, Romania will be representing the Council of the European Union throughout its dialogue with the other European institutions, especially with the European Commission and the European Parliament, while also working in close contact with the

2016 EU Budget: Focus on migrations and jobs

he budgets committee on demanded more funds to handle the migration and refugee crisis, help young people into jobs, and fully offset the cuts to the EU's research and transport networks programs, in a political resolution on the 2016 budget. The committee had earlier reversed all the Council's cuts to

EC: New vision of Education and Training 2020

draft joint report by the Commission calls for strengthening cooperation in education and training up to 2020 and especially to promote social inclusion. The Commission is proposing to strengthen cooperation at European level in the field of education and training up to 2020. Its draft of a joint report

Council approves measures to tackle VAT fraud schemes

The Council has adopted two directives that will enable member states to better combat VAT fraud, facilitating rapid reaction and allowing a specific measure to tackle so-called "carrousel fraud". The importance of such measures amongst a number of initiatives aimed at better combating tax evasion and tax fraud was highlighted

Two Pack adopted by the Council of the EU

The Council "two pack" of regulations aimed at further improving economic governance in the euro area, namely: a regulation on enhanced monitoring and assessment of draft budgetary plans of euro area member states, with closer monitoring for those in an excessive deficit procedure, and a regulation on enhanced surveillance of
