> Posts tagged "crisis"

Western Balkan Economies: World Bank projects recession due to CoV19

wb6 western balkan balkans six south eastern europe see central EU covid-19 corona virus

The Western Balkan region is expected to enter a recession in 2020, with all six countries forecast to experience negative growth as they continue to grapple with the economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Regional growth in the Western Balkans is forecast to be between -3 and -5.6 percent, according to

Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

financial crisis economic economy fiscal debt morgage piggy bank broken Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008 Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008 Coronavirus crisis is having a strong impact on the world economy. What about the financial system? Is a systemic financial crisis likely, perhaps along the lines of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) 12 years

Coronavirus in China changes the consumer behavior

Coronavirus in China changes the consumer behavior Coronavirus in China changes the consumer behavior Chloe Ni used to go to coffee shops every two days before the coronavirus outbreak. Now, she makes coffee at home, and even decided against getting an expensive Moka stove-top pot to make her daily brew. “I work in

CoVID-19: Montenegro makes ports available to Balkan countries

wb6 western balkan balkans six south eastern europe see central EU covid-19 corona virus

covid-19 : PM Markovic tells WB leaders: Closing markets and blocking resources is not European behaviour, Montenegro makes ports available to neighbours CoVID-19: PM Markovic tells WB leaders: Closing markets and blocking resources is not European behaviour, Montenegro makes ports available to neighbours Prime Minister Duško Marković spoke today with  Austrian Federal Chancellor Sebastian Kurz,

Financial crisis: 10 years later

financial crisis economic economy fiscal debt morgage piggy bank broken Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

The financial crisis began with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, starting a worldwide chain reaction. The EU economy contracted for five consecutive quarters, with growth returning only in the second half of 2009. Stimulatory and fiscal actions by national governments and the EU, and the Eurosystem’s loose monetary policy, helped

Countries With the Most Foreign Currency Reserves

n the high stakes game of international trade, holding onto a stockpile of foreign cash gives you options. Forex reserves can help buoy the local currency or even provide much-needed insurance in the case of a national economic emergency. And when reserves are plentiful, a country can even use them

European Union: Spring 2018 Economic Forecast

Growth rates for the EU and the euro area beat expectations in 2017 to reach a 10-year high at 2.4%. Growth is set to remain strong in 2018 and ease only slightly in 2019, with growth of 2.3% and 2.0% respectively in both the EU and the euro area. rivate consumption

EU – 10 years since the start of the economic crisis

he global financial crisis began 10 years ago and led to the European Union's worst recession in its six-decade history. The crisis did not start in Europe but EU institutions and Member States needed to act resolutely to counter its impact and address the shortcomings of the initial set-up of

European Public Credit Rating Agency – case

he ‘Big Three’ credit rating agencies – Standard & Poor’s, Moody’s, and Fitch – enjoy an oligopolistic position on the market for the rating of private and public debt. In the run-up to the financial crisis, we now know, they were over-optimistic with their ratings, but once the crisis hit,

2016 G20 summit in Hangzhou, China

20 leaders met in Hangzhou, China, on 4-5 September. European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker represented the EU at the summit. The theme of this year's summit was “Towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy”. Leaders adopted a communique focusing on: strengthening the G20 growth agenda

2016 EU budget draft – response to migrant crisis

n agreement was reached on the 2016 EU budget under extraordinary circumstances as the world witnessed the attacks in Paris. The EU institutions have taken their responsibility by concluding a deal well ahead of the deadline. Before finalising the agreement, negotiators observed a minute of silence for the victims of

EMU: Fiscal, Financial, Economic & Political Union

urope's Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) is in much better shape today than it was before the financial crisis. However, despite progress, particularly as regards reinforcement of the economic governance and the launch of the Banking Union, the EMU remains incomplete. Divergence in economic performance across the euro area is
