> Posts tagged "Crowdfunding"

Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues

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Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues Donation of EUR half a million to the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases by Samih Sawiris, owner of Orascom development, which is building the tourist resort Luštica bay in Montenegro, confirmed the statement made by Prime Minister

Bleak Faith: Forsaken – a game that changes the RPG universe

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Bleak Faith: Forsaken RPG - a game that changes the RPG universe Within the campaign "We Live Culture", which is being implemented by the Ministry of Culture for the second year now, we continue to present creators whose work was supported by the second call for proposals of the Creative Montenegro

Montenegro Creative Forum Opened

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Prime Minister of Montenegro Duško Marković opened in Podgorica earlier today a conference titled "Montenegro Creative Forum" by noting that the Government will not save money when it comes to culture, that the Government encourages culture and artists in this area in many ways and that the aim is to

What can we learn from successfully Crowdfunded startups that failed

ssic, a startup company, which made 3D audio headphones for virtual reality applications, was recently shut down. The company had gotten off to a fabulous start having reportedly crowdfunded $3.2 million, but ultimately closed its operations. Ossic's experience is one of many highly successful crowdfunding campaigns that were flooded with money from eager backers,

Capital Markets Union: Crowdfunding, FinTech and Sustainability

s part of its efforts to build a Capital Markets Union the Commission presented a new series of actions that aim to connect finance with the specific needs of the European economy and to enable the financial sector to make use of the rapid advances in new technologies. Action Plan on

Crowdfunding and crowdsourcing in the cultural and creative sectors

he internet offers digital spaces that can connect creators and service or content providers with consumers, and with new work, business or financing possibilities. In the sphere of arts and culture, this offers new opportunities for fundraising for events and projects, and for developing collaborative projects among artists, sometimes with
