> Posts tagged "donations"

Donations for Montenegro are properly controlled

Donations for Montenegro are properly controlled Donations for Montenegro are properly controlled The National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, at today's session chaired by President Milutin Simović, analyzed the epidemiological situation in Montenegro and assessed that all state authorities in the past period timely and effectively undertook all planned activities to protect the

Corona Montenegro relief – How to Donate?

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Corona Montenegro relief - How to Donate? ▶️ Follow Senat.me via Google News service 19? Corona Montenegro relief - How to Donate and help Montenegro fight CoVID-19? The National Coordination Body for the Infectious Diseases of Montenegro welcomed the noble intentions and invited all entities that show a high degree of social responsibility to

Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues

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Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues Fundraising campaign against CoVID19 in Montenegro Continues Donation of EUR half a million to the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases by Samih Sawiris, owner of Orascom development, which is building the tourist resort Luštica bay in Montenegro, confirmed the statement made by Prime Minister

Help Montenegro fight CoVID-19. DONATE! #CoronainfoCG

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Help Montenegro fight CoVID-19. DONATE! #CoronainfoCG Help Montenegro fight CoVID-19. DONATE! #CoronainfoCG Citizens and businesses are willing to assist Montenegro's efforts to combat coronavirus In view of the significant number of donors that express their willingness to assist the state's efforts to combat the coronavirus, the National Coordination Body welcomed the noble intentions

Development Effectiveness – Concepts, players and tools

In the context of the limited availability of development aid, there is an increased demand for effective results. This means that both developing and richer countries must commit to spending and using aid more effectively. Public funding is not enough to cover all needs, but it can leverage initiatives from
