> Posts tagged "Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)"

International Property Rights Index 2019

intellectual phisical property rights international global copyright indexes index

The International Property Rights Index (IPRI) is the flagship publication of Property Rights Alliance. The IPRI scores the underlining institutions of a strong property rights regime: the legal and political environment, physical property rights, and intellectual property rights. It is the world’s only index entirely dedicated to the measurement of intellectual

EU intellectual property protection in global markets

intellectual property eu rights privatna svojina indeks logo

The European Commission published the latest report on protection and enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in third countries. While developments have taken place since the publication of the previous report, concerns persist and a number of areas for improvement and action remain to be addressed. Intellectual property rights infringements worldwide

Picking the right company name

hat's in a name? A lot, when it comes to small-business success. The right name can make your company the talk of the town. The wrong one can doom it to obscurity and failure. Ideally, your name should convey the expertise, value and uniqueness of the product or service you

CETA – an EU free trade deal with Canada

he EU recently concluded a new free trade deal with Canada - the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement, or CETA for short. The deal is possibly the most advanced of its kind to date. It will help to generate growth and jobs by boosting exports; lowering the cost of the imports
