> Posts tagged "interest"

ECB announces euro short-term rate ( €STR )

he European Central Bank (ECB) will start publishing the €STR as of 2 October 2019, reflecting the trading activity of 1 October 2019. Additionally, the ECB is ready to further support private sector efforts in the transition away from the euro overnight index average EONIA and will provide the computation

Glossary of Banking Terms

credit cards banks terminology glossary banking banke bankarski pojmovi pojmovnik vokabular šta znači kupovina garderobe preko interneta crna gora

API – Application programming interface Asset management – The direction of cash or securities of a client by a financial services company, usually an investment bank. NS&I account – A national savings and investment account is a government backed form of savings account. Blockchain technology - A digital ledger in which transactions made

ECB adopts new capital key 2019

The Governing Council of the European Central Bank (ECB) adopted legal acts on the regular five-yearly adjustment to its capital key and the contributions paid by the national central banks (NCBs) of the European Union. The new key for subscription to the ECB’s capital will enter into force on 1

EU Autumn 2016 Economic Forecast: Modest growth

Commission forecasts 2017 euro area growth of 1.5% and EU growth of 1.6%  conomic growth in Europe is expected to continue at a moderate pace, as recent labour market gains and rising private consumption are being counterbalanced by a number of hindrances to growth and the weakening of supportive factors. In

Low and negative interest rates: Overview

hen examining the current interest rate levels in the USA and Europe, two movements can be observed. First, a sustained decline in long-term interest rates that has lasted for the better part of the last two decades. That has been driven by demographic factors, the progressive integration of China into

EIB adds third benchmark to its EUR Green Bond curve

he European Investment Bank (EIB), the EU Bank owned by the EU Member States, rated Aaa/AAA/AAA (Moody’s / Standard and Poor’s / Fitch), issued a new EUR 600m Climate Awareness Bond (CAB). The issue carries an annual coupon of 0.5%, has a final maturity date of 15 November 2023 and

Benchmarks: restoring confidence in the financial markets

enchmarks are widely used to track market developments. However, financial scandals involving benchmarks such as Libor and Euribor have shown that they are susceptible to manipulation. On 18 May MEPs debate new rules to ensure the full transparency of all benchmarks used in the EU and vote on them the

Antitrust: Euro interest rate derivatives cartel?

The European Commission has informed Crédit Agricole, HSBC and JPMorgan of its preliminary view that they may have breached EU antitrust rules by colluding to influence the pricing of interest rate derivatives denominated in the euro currency. The sending of a statement of objections does not prejudge the final outcome

Basic bank accounts for all

Anyone legally residing in the EU would have the right to open a basic payment account, and no-one could be denied this right on grounds of nationality or place of residence, under a new law passed by Parliament. This law should also ensure that fees and rules for all payment

Commission fines banks € 1.71 billion for participating in cartels

The European Commission has fined 8 international financial institutions a total of € 1,712,468,000 for participating in illegal cartels in markets for financial derivatives covering the European Economic Area (EEA). Four of these institutions participated in a cartel relating to interest rate derivatives denominated in the euro currency. Six of

ECB’s monetary policy decisions

Monetary Policy Decisions: At the Governing Council meeting, held on November 7th 2013, ECB took the following monetary policy decisions: The interest rate on the main refinancing operations of the Eurosystem will be decreased by 25 basis points to 0.25%, starting from the operation to be settled on 13 November 2013.

ECB report: Fall in card fraud

credit cards banks terminology glossary banking banke bankarski pojmovi pojmovnik vokabular šta znači kupovina garderobe preko interneta crna gora

Card fraud has been on a declining trend since 2007, thanks to technological advances that are making transactions safer. This is the main conclusion of the second report on card fraud published today by the European Central Bank (ECB). However, fraud is migrating to countries where the technology remains less
