> Posts tagged "migration"

Progress Report on Montenegro 2019

Izvještaj o napretku Crne Gore 2019 2020

European Commission's Report on Montenegro 2019 - key findings Political criteria The reporting period continued to be marked by the low level of trust in the electoral framework, which needs to be revised in a comprehensive and inclusive manner. A temporary parliamentary committee on reform of electoral and other legislation was established

10 EU issues to watch in 2019

he annual publication offers up-to-date insight from policy analysts in the European Parliamentary Research Service on ten key issues and policy areas that are likely to feature prominently on the political agenda of the European Union (EU) in 2019. Each of the ten contributors presents the state of play on

2018 EU budget draft: focus on jobs, investments, migration and security

he Commission proposed a draft budget for 2018 of €161 billion in commitments to stimulate the creation of more jobs, especially for young people, and to boost growth and strategic investments. Building on the actions already undertaken in previous years, next year's EU budget will continue dealing effectively with the migration

2016 G20 summit in Hangzhou, China

20 leaders met in Hangzhou, China, on 4-5 September. European Council President Donald Tusk and European Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker represented the EU at the summit. The theme of this year's summit was “Towards an innovative, invigorated, interconnected and inclusive world economy”. Leaders adopted a communique focusing on: strengthening the G20 growth agenda

2017 EU Budget draft: growth, jobs and migrant crisis in focus

he Commission has proposed the 2017 draft EU Budget of €134.9 billion in payments focusing on the two main policy priorities for Europe: supporting the ongoing recovery of the European economy and addressing the security and humanitarian challenges in our neighbourhood. Increased funding will go to investments in growth, jobs

Brexit: impact of an EU exit in key UK policy areas

n some areas, the environment, for example, where the UK is bound by other international agreements, much of the content of EU law would probably remain. In others, the Government might decide to retain the substance of EU law, or to remove EU obligations from UK statutes. Much would also depend

Statistics: 890,000 EU citizenships acquired in 2014

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n 2014, around 890 000 persons acquired citizenship of a Member State of the European Union (EU), down from 981 000 in 2013. Since 2009, more than 5 million persons in total were granted a citizenship of an EU Member Sate. Of the total number of persons obtaining the citizenship

2016 EU Budget: Focus on migrations and jobs

he budgets committee on demanded more funds to handle the migration and refugee crisis, help young people into jobs, and fully offset the cuts to the EU's research and transport networks programs, in a political resolution on the 2016 budget. The committee had earlier reversed all the Council's cuts to

Statistics: Almost 1M EU citizenship granted

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n 2013, around 985 000 persons acquired citizenship 20% of a Member State of the European Union, up by (or about 163 000 persons) compared with 2012. Of the total number of persons obtaining the citizenship of one of the EU Member States in 2013, 89% were citizens of non-EU

2016 EU budget draft: jobs, growth, migration and global action

he Commission proposed a 2016 EU budget of €143.5 billion in payment credits to support the recovery of the European economy and help improve lives in Europe and beyond. The money will be invested to boost innovation, create jobs, help convergence among Member States and among regions, deal more effectively
