> Posts tagged "People’s Republic of China" (Page 2)

USA – China trade war: shifting the global trade

China and the United States are at a trade stand-off after both countries have implemented hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs on each other's goods over the past year. The US is now considering imposing further tariffs on more than $300 billion worth of Chinese imports. The ongoing trade war is

Most Valuable Banks Brands of the World

When most people think about brands, they often picture iconic consumer marks. But in the realm of financial services, the importance of having a strong consumer brand is also rapidly growing. After all, with hundreds of new fintech entrants positioning themselves to be the “banks” of the future, it seems

China is building 19 ‘Cluster Super-Cities”

he World has a demand problem, and it is dealing with it all wrong. Rather than allowing itself to be harmed by other countries’ problematic policies, China must work to create its own demand by making full use of its capacity for policy experimentation. Cluster cities are ideal for long-term

Which countries invest the most in the Research & Development

research innovation most developed countries list rang ratings index innovative economies most

Innovation can be a major competitive advantage for any developed economy.  However, achieving a sustainable rate of innovation isn’t necessarily a straightforward exercise. The reality is that innovation is a complex and difficult outcome to measure, and there are many different variables that factor into it at a national level. Research

Nation Brands 2018 Ranking by Brand Finance

Just like anything else, our brains tend to associate certain images and attributes with a given nations in order to form a unique mental perception. In a global marketplace, a country’s national image can be one of its most valued assets or a challenging liability. These perceptions help to forge a

World’s top Countries for Tourism – Montenegro on the map

What are the top countries for tourism? The map of the world, created by the Howmuch, resizes countries around the world based on international tourist receipts in 2017, using data from the World Tourism Organization. In 2018, Montenegro is on the map for the first time. So, here are the world’s

Infographic: How does Social Media Universe look like?

illions of people around the world grew up during the age of social media, and mankind is slowly marching toward a future where nearly everyone will be a digital native. For the one-third of humanity that now uses a smartphone, messaging and status updates are often more natural than having a

Top 10 – Richest Countries in the World

According to market research company New World Wealth, the world has accumulated $215 trillion in private wealth, a 12% increase over the last year. Incredibly, the vast majority of this wealth – about 73.5% – is held by just 10 countries: Rank Country Wealth (USD Trillions) Change (2007-2017), % #1 United States $62.6 20% #2 China $24.8 198% #3 Japan $19.5 22% #4 United Kingdom $9.9 -2% #5 Germany $9.7 0% #6 India $8.2 160% #7 France $6.6 -11% #8 Canada $6.4 25% #9 Australia $6.1 83% #10 Italy $4.3 -19% Over the last decade, China

The Biggest Economies in 2018

he United States has the largest economy in the world at $20.4 trillion, according to data from the International Monetary Fund (IMF), which shows the US economy increased from around $19.4 trillion last year. China follows, with $14 trillion, which is an increase of more than $2 trillion in comparison to 2017.

Bees and beekeepers: European long-term survival strategy

Ban all harmful pesticides Tighten up checks to halt fake honey imports Promote health benefits of honey embers of the European Parliament urge the EU and its member states to invest more in protecting bee health, fighting honey adulteration and supporting beekeepers. The EU needs a wide-ranging, long-term strategy to

Quantum Internet Explained

ill quantum internet soon become a reality? The word “quantum” sounds so advanced and complex that people tend to get hyped up about anything attached to it. While not every quantum breakthrough elicits a positive response, in the case of a so-called quantum internet, people have a reason to be
