> Posts tagged "Referendum"

Branding Scotland case

rands, including states, inevitably create relationships: fundamentally, how good they are at creating an inclination to interact. In relation to brands, we simply can’t help feeling something and, when asked, we are also able to say things. We have an exchange with them. Some of this is emotional, some rational,

Montenegro or the Republic of Montenegro?

dan državnosti crne gore statehood day montenegro crna gora 13 jul july

Which is correct to say? Republic of Montenegro or "just" Montenegro? The answer is: Montenegro Constitution of Montenegro The State - Article 1 Montenegro is an independent and sovereign state, with the republican form of government. Montenegro is a civil, democratic, ecological and the state of social justice, based on the rule of law. The name "Republic

European Parliament: MEPs call for swift Brexit to end uncertainty

he United Kingdom must respect the wish of a majority of its citizens, entirely, fully and as soon as possible, by officially withdrawing from the EU before any new relationship arrangements can be made, says the European Parliament in a resolution voted after an extraordinary plenary debate on Tuesday. MEPs

Brexit: impact of an EU exit in key UK policy areas

n some areas, the environment, for example, where the UK is bound by other international agreements, much of the content of EU law would probably remain. In others, the Government might decide to retain the substance of EU law, or to remove EU obligations from UK statutes. Much would also depend
