Montenegrin PM Marković meets with leadership of Golubovci: Government will continue to invest in strengthening social infrastructure Prime Minister Duško Marković congratulated the leadership and citizens on the Day of Golubovci City Municipality and said that the Government would continue to contribute and invest in strengthening the social infrastructure in Golubovci. The meeting with
Tag: Social rights
ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) criteria for the sustainable development
2017 Prosperity Index: Montenegro Ranked 65th Globally
egatum Institute, a British think-tank, has published 2017 Prosperity Index data. The Legatum Prosperity Index contains data on 149 countries for socio-economic variables, spread across eight sub-indices. The Prosperity Index offers a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world. Traditionally, a nation’s prosperity has been based solely on
World Press Freedom Day
2015 Prosperity Index: Montenegro ranked 60th globally
egatum Institute, a British think-tank, has published 2015 Prosperity Index data. The Legatum Prosperity Index contains data on 142 countries for 89 variables, spread across eight sub-indices. The Prosperity Index offers a unique insight into how prosperity is forming and changing across the world. Traditionally, a nation's prosperity has been based solely on
2016 EU budget draft – response to migrant crisis
n agreement was reached on the 2016 EU budget under extraordinary circumstances as the world witnessed the attacks in Paris. The EU institutions have taken their responsibility by concluding a deal well ahead of the deadline. Before finalising the agreement, negotiators observed a minute of silence for the victims of
Montenegro: Operational Programme for Education, Employment and Social Policies sector (2015-2017)
odgorica, Montenegro: In organisation of Montenegrin Ministry of Work and Social Welfare, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integrations and with help of Capacity Development Programme (CDP) Operational Programme for Education, Employment and Social Policies sector (2015-2017) public consultation was held. The Meeting was opened by Head EU Chief Negotiator for
EU public opinion on jobs, social rights, banks and e-commerce
Monday 7 October will mark the opening of a third round of live, interactive online debates – this opinion sharing time on banks - between citizens, businesses, organisations, and policy makers in the framework of Single Market Month. This is an opportunity for citizens and stakeholders to make proposals for