> Posts tagged "2019"

OECD: Montenegro joins Inclusive Framework on BEPS

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t the OECD Headquarters in Paris, Biljana Peranović, Director General of the Directorate for Tax and Customs of Montenegro, signed the multilateral Convention on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters (the BEPS Convention). Montenegro is the 130th jurisdiction to join the Convention. The Convention enables jurisdictions to engage in a

International public contest: Montenegro seeks slogan and national brand logo

Hereinafter, we publish integral text of the: PUBLIC CONTEST FOR SELECTION OF THE LOGO AND SLOGAN OF THE NATIONAL BRAND OF MONTENEGRO The Ministry of Economy invites all interested parties, individuals and groups of authors to participate in the Competition for the selection of logo and slogan of the national brand of

Happy July 13th 🎉

Today is the July 13th On July 13th 1878, Principality of Montenegro gained full recognition of its independence on the Congress of Berlin. On July 13th 1941, Montenegrin People launched national uprising against Fascist occupation. Two thirds of territory was liberated week later. July 13th is the Montenegrin Statehood day   Portal Senat.me wishes

Montenegro seeks slogan and new nation brand logo

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Montenegro's Ministry of Economy, on the occasion of the Independence Day, announces the Public Competition for the selection of the logo and slogan of the national brand of Montenegro with the aim of completing the state’s visual identity. The public competition is of an international nature and both individuals and groups

Progress Report on Montenegro 2019

Izvještaj o napretku Crne Gore 2019 2020

European Commission's Report on Montenegro 2019 - key findings Political criteria The reporting period continued to be marked by the low level of trust in the electoral framework, which needs to be revised in a comprehensive and inclusive manner. A temporary parliamentary committee on reform of electoral and other legislation was established

Spark.me conference 2019 BLAZE THE TRAIL day #2

Pogledajte kako je prošao drugi dan konferencije Spark.me "Blaze the trail" 2019 See how looked like 2nd day of the Spark.me 2019 Conference "Blaze the trail"   Our first speaker for today, @jowyang, is rocking at #SparkMe stage! pic.twitter.com/ysHI4RfKsv — Spark.me (@SparkDotMe) 26. svibnja 2019. “There’s two Internet’s: the Western world and China. They’re gonna

Spark.me conference 2019 BLAZE THE TRAIL day #1

Pogledajte kako je protekao prvi dan konferencije spark.me 2019: BLAZE THE TRAIL na društvenim mrežama: / See how the spark.me conference "Blaze the trail" was doing the first day :   #abouttostart #sparkme pic.twitter.com/levCMmRb7N — Portal Senat Ⓢ (@SenatME) 25. svibnja 2019. The firt ever edition of Tivat and #SparkMe pic.twitter.com/3W0aSkI3mZ — Ivana Ćirković (@i_cirkovic) 25.

Who to expect at SPARK.me 2019 Conference?

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Spark.me 2019, one of the most carefully curated business/Internet conferences in Southeast Europe, will be held on May 25-26 2019, in Porto Montenegro Auditorium in the city of Tivat - the heart of Montenegro’s yachting industry. Spark.me conference has been organized annually since 2013, by Domain.ME, a private company in charge
