> Posts tagged "Debt"

The smallest states in the world: economic challenges and potentials

Small states face unique development challenges. Due to their small population (i.e., those with a population of 1.5 million or less) and economic base, these countries are particularly vulnerable to exogenous shocks, such as natural disasters and climate change. With limited economic opportunities and significant migration, they often face capacity constraints. The

Financial crisis: 10 years later

financial crisis economic economy fiscal debt morgage piggy bank broken Coronavirus crisis should not be compared to GFC 2008

The financial crisis began with the collapse of Lehman Brothers, starting a worldwide chain reaction. The EU economy contracted for five consecutive quarters, with growth returning only in the second half of 2009. Stimulatory and fiscal actions by national governments and the EU, and the Eurosystem’s loose monetary policy, helped

Progress Report on Montenegro 2019

Izvještaj o napretku Crne Gore 2019 2020

European Commission's Report on Montenegro 2019 - key findings Political criteria The reporting period continued to be marked by the low level of trust in the electoral framework, which needs to be revised in a comprehensive and inclusive manner. A temporary parliamentary committee on reform of electoral and other legislation was established

European Investment Stabilisation Function – EISF

council eu taxation taxes tax euro beps eu list eonia euribor estr €str ester

he idea behind the Commission’s proposed European Investment Stabilisation Function (EISF) is to use dedicated financial means from the EU budget to help Member States stabilize their economies in the event of a major asymmetric shock. In the context of EISF, the Commission would borrow on the financial markets and

Montenegro’s Economy SWOT Analysis

SWOT-analiza-Crna-Gora-Analysis-Montenegro crnogorska ekonomija crnogorske ekonomije crne gore

mall countries, i.e. small economies are rather sensitive to the influence of international environment. This especially applies to countries like Montenegro, in which the use of euro as a legal tender additionally limits the maneuvering space in case of potential external shocks. Therefore, it is important, seems even more important

Moody’s credit rating Montenegro 2016 : B1, negative outlook

oody's Investors Service has today downgraded Montenegro's long-term issuer and senior unsecured debt rating by one notch to B1 from Ba3. The short-term ratings have been affirmed at Not Prime (NP). The outlook remains negative. The key drivers for today's rating action are: Fiscal risks related to the highway project, which

EC: Montenegro’s Economic Forecast – Volatile growth amid public finance concerns

Spring 2016 Economic Forecast ourism and capital-intensive projects continue to be the main drivers of growth, albeit their contribution appears more volatile than previously expected. The growth potential is hampered by the sluggish recovery of bank lending. Budget deficits remain high due to a surge in public investment and social security

EC: Spring 2016 Economic Forecast

Commission forecasts euro area growth of 1.6% and EU growth of 1.8% in 2016. conomic growth in Europe is expected to remain modest as key trading partners' performance has slowed and some of the so far supportive factors start to wane. As a result, GDP in the euro area is forecast

Stock exchange Glossary

Berzanski pojmovnik - rječnik osnovnih pojmova koji se koriste pri svakodnevnom trgovanju hartijama od vrijednosti. Montenegro berza AD Podgorica

Montenegrin Stock Exchange Glossary: Bonds Bonds are securities by which the issuer (debtor, borrower) is obliged to pay the buyer (investor, lender) a borrowed amount (principal) and the agreed-upon interest. Investor may keep bonds until their maturity and get the principal and the related interest, or sell them prior to their maturity

International use of the euro

he euro was increasingly used as a funding currency by international borrowers in 2014 and early 2015, compared with the previous review period, while the share of the euro in foreign exchange reserves remained broadly stable. These are among the main findings of the report on “The international role of
