> Posts tagged "digitalna agenda"

Priorities of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the EU

nity through balance - that's the motto of the Estonian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. Europe has plenty of common ground to come together to successfully tackle all the challenges and make the most of all the possibilities that face us today. We must facilitate openness in

Cloud computing – Policy and Economic Issues

strategija razvoja informacionog društva it par javne uprave sastanak ministarstvo reforma javne uprave

loud computing is a model for providing information and communication technology (ICT) services (including servers, systems, storage and applications) over a network such as the internet. By taking advantage of self-service implementation and configuration, and flexible pools of virtual computers based on shared hardware in vast purpose-built data centers managed

EU-wide cyber-security rules

irms supplying essential services, e.g. for energy, transport, banking and health, or digital ones, such as search engines and cloud computing, will have to take action to improve their ability to withstand cyber-attacks under new rules approved by Internal Market Members of European Parliament (MEPs) on Thursday. These rules, informally

E-commerce: Nearly 20% EU enterprises sold online

ccording to the Eurostat, in 2014 enterprises located in the European Union made 17% of their total turnover from electronic sales to other businesses or consumers, compared with 12% in 2008. As in previous years, EU enterprises engaged more in e-purchases than in e-sales in 2014, with 40% having purchased

2015 ITC development index – Korea ranked 1st, Montenegro 65th

nited Nations' specialized agency for information and communication technologies ITU has published annual Measuring the Information Society Report. The report reveals that 3.2 billion people are now online, representing 43.4% of the global population, while mobile-cellular subscriptions have reached almost 7.1 billion worldwide, with over 95% of the global population now covered by

EP: Building consumers’ trust in Digital Market

uilding consumers trust in online goods and services, improving infrastructure and promoting innovation are keys to unlocking the potential of the EU digital single market, which could generate €415 billion each year, Internal market and Industry MEPs said during a debate on Tuesday. Several MEPs also underlined the need to

European Parliament’s digital glossary

European Parliament digital terminology, used during sessions: Big data Large volumes of data that can, for instance, include purchase transaction records or GPS signals. The Commission believes there are a number of important issues to be resolved when it comes to big data, such as determining ownership and protecting people's personal data. Cloud

Antitrust: Commission launches e-commerce sector inquiry

he European Commission has launched an antitrust competition inquiry into the e-commerce sector in the European Union. The inquiry, as announced by Commissioner Vestager in March, will allow the Commission to identify possible competition concerns affecting European e-commerce markets. It complements actions launched within the framework of the Digital Single
