> Posts tagged "University"

Faculty of fine Arts, University of Montenegro – New Building Cetinje

flu-fakultet-likovnih-umjetnosti-cetinje-fakultet-vizuelnih-univerzitet-crne-gore-crna-gora-montenegro-university fine arts faculty

Faculty of fine Arts, University of Montenegro - New Building Cetinje The Faculty of Fine Arts in Cetinje obtained use permit earlier today, whereby the Government and the Public Works Administration successfully completed another project financed from the Capital budget. Positive assessment of the Commission for Technical Acceptance and the conditions for

Which countries spend most on university research

The United States is continuing to fall behind other developed nations in funding for university research according to The Information Technology & Innovation Foundation. That's despite the U.S. being home to world-leading research universities that have played an important role in driving American technological supremacy since the Second World War. In 2013, the

A font to remember – Sans Forgetica

ans Forgetica is a font designed using the principles of cognitive psychology to help you to better remember your study notes. It was created by a multidisciplinary team of designers and behavioral scientists from RMIT University.   It is compatible with both PC and Mac operating systems. "a downloadable font that is scientifically

Transfer of knowledge between sectors of higher education, research and industry

all for Proposals for Grant Scheme "Transfer of knowledge between sectors of higher education, research and industry" is open. Eligible are scientific and research institutions, small to medium enterprises, high educational institutions, non-governmental organisations, social partners, unions, syndicates, centers of excellence and scientific-technological parks from Montenegro. Reference Number: EuropeAid/136938/ID/ACT/ME   Call deadline: August 10th

Green light for Erasmus+

Erasmus+, the new EU programme for education, training, youth and sport, due to begin in January, was approved today by the European Parliament. Aimed at boosting skills, employability and supporting the modernisation of education, training and youth systems, the seven-year programme will have a budget of €14.7 billion - 40%
