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Vucic should focus on Serbia. #stayhome

av aleksandar vučić vucic #vucicuseceru #vucicupederu koronAVirus priča kineski plače na TV brat Si Djiping

CrnogorskiEnglish available languages

DPM Simović: Vučić should focus on Serbia, we do not calibrate medical equipment in Montenegro according to national frequencies . #śedidoma Aleksandar Vučić

DPM Simovic: Vucic should focus on Serbia, we do not calibrate medical equipment in Montenegro according to national frequencies

Deputy Prime Minister Milutin Simović, President of the National Coordination Body for Communicable Diseases, told the President of Serbia to focus on his country and that Montenegro will manage to buy goods in markets where these goods will not be confiscated.
The Deputy Prime Minister’s statement:
We are grateful to the President of Serbia for his concern about Montenegro. However, we think that it would be good that he focuses his entire attention on protecting the health and well-being of Serbian citizens. We’ll manage. Fortunately, there are still countries and markets where it is possible to buy the missing products for your money, as we bought food in Serbia that the President of Serbia is talking about.
Also, there are other countries where it is possible to arrange with their trading houses the purchase of goods manufactured in third countries without goods being confiscated from you, as happened to us with ventilators on the Serbian market.
We are especially grateful for additional two ventilators that the President of Serbia would donate to us on the basis of an agreement with the leader of the New Serb Democracy (NSD). We assume it is an expression of concern for the allegedly “endangered” Serbian people in Montenegro. There is no need for that. We do not calibrate medical equipment in Montenegro by national frequency.
Montenegro is a responsible and organised civil state that is able to provide every citizen with the highest possible level of health care in the most severe circumstances of coronavirus pandemic.




In addition, Minister of Health Kenan Hrapović also thanked the President of Serbia for offering to donate three ventilators to Montenegro that our country had ordered.
We in Montenegro understand why the Government of Serbia did not allow delivery of ordered ventilators to Montenegro. Expressing support to Serbian health workers, doctors and medical staff in fight against the coronavirus pandemic, I would like to thank President Vučić for offering to donate three of our ventilators that we have ordered for Montenegrin healthcare system. Appreciating the gravity of the situation in the neighbouring country, we believe that this equipment is currently more needed in Serbia’s healthcare system, Minister Hrapović said.
He added that Montenegro is always ready to help the citizens of Serbia and its healthcare system, as it has done so far.

CrnogorskiEnglish available languages

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