> Posts tagged "Branding" (Page 2)

Montenegrin (inter)national domain ‘ .me ‘ now became even more International

omain .me celebrates 10th birthday and DoMEn, a company that manages Montenegrin .me domain, launches a diverse range of Internationalized Domain Names (IDN). As of November 12th, you are now able to register .ME domain in the following languages and scripts: Arabic, Belarusian, Bosnian, Bulgarian, Chinese (traditional and simplified), Croatian,

Nation brand of Turkey – Discover the Potential

urkey has been a hub of ideas and cultures for centuries. It has been home to the Byzantium, the Ottoman empire, parts of the the silk road and some even say the wheel was invented here. Turkey and its people have been the home of incredible potential for time out

The story behind the Beatles logo

Bitlsi: Kako je nastao logotip benda Bitls bitlsi

randing is omnipresent within companies and their products. Branding can also be successfully implemented in entertainment, especially music industry. Eminem, 2pac, Metallica and the Rolling Stones have developed globally know brands, and thus their logos. There is one interesting story behind the Beatles logo. It was initially developed and implemented at

Nation Brands 2018 Ranking by Brand Finance

Just like anything else, our brains tend to associate certain images and attributes with a given nations in order to form a unique mental perception. In a global marketplace, a country’s national image can be one of its most valued assets or a challenging liability. These perceptions help to forge a

Ukrainian national brand logo – Ukraine NOW ua

he Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has adopted and approved the Ukraine NOW brand in 2018, which was created by the Ukrainian agency Banda within the framework of the Commission for Promotion of Ukraine under the Ministry of Information Policy. “The team of the Government, the Ministry of Information Policy, the

ECB unveils new € 100 and 200 euro banknotes

The European Central Bank (ECB) unveiled the new 100 and 200 euro banknotes, which will enter into circulation on 28 May 2019. After the €5, €10, €20 and €50, the €100 and €200 banknotes are the last two denominations of the Europa series, and therefore mark its completion. he new €100

Top 100 Most Valuable Brands in 2018

According to Forbes, the world’s 100 most valuable brands are worth a staggering $2.15 trillion. While that singular number is impressive, the publication’s 2018 rankings of global brands can be further broken down in other ways that are also quite intriguing. Let’s take a look at brands by individual brand value,

Colombia – CO branding nation

lombia is a country characterized by its diversity and that’s precisely what we wanted to embed in the visual expression of the new Colombia country brand. To reinforce and complement it we used a warm and progressive language based on 4 fundamental principles: Flexible: The logo and its elements allow

Uruguay – Natural national branding

uruguay urugvaj national branding brendiranje

ow is Uruguay shown in the world? According the Lonely Planet, Uruguay is a seaside playground, spectacular structures and spellbinding sunsets. We can't agree more. Besides that, the best ambassadors are their athletes, especially footballers. Like other South American nations, is branded as "Natural". Logo is stylized letter U. Inside U

National Brand of Peru


et us introduce you visual identity of national branding of Peru. Since 2011 this South American country proudly uses present logo of national brand, which replaced the complex one. The logo of Peruvian national brand is well designed: It uses countries typical silhouette from archaeological site (well known Nazca Lines) and

Argentina adopts new national brand logo

Argentina ili SAD? Kome bolje stoji krug?

rgentina adopted nation brand new logo. Old wavy logo is replaced by (over)simplified logo which is in fact letter "A" placed in the central bottom of the blue circle (or should be South on the improvised Globe) Gustavo Koniszczer, Managing Director for Latin America of FutureBrand, defined the new symbol as

Best Rated Car Brands

o each person, a specific car brand may mean something totally unique. For example, if your father always drove Chevy trucks, then the Chevrolet brand might give you a certain sense of comfort and nostalgia. Yet, to a person from a different background – say a young professional that’s always
